Family Groups

​​After School Family Group
Our groups offer a safe place to meet and form friendships and have an after school snack with other families, Home-Start volunteers and staff. Support can be given with homework and reading and families can join in optional craft activities.
The groups run:
Tuesday 3.15 –4.45pm
Trinity Methodist Church
3 Church Fields
DY10 2JL
All Home-Start families can attend the groups, providing they only bring school aged
children, as the sessions are not safe or insured for pre-school children to join us.
Daytime Family Group
Do you have children 0-5 years? If so you are very welcome to attend our daytime Family Group. The group is a safe place to meet, for children to play and socialise with other pre-schoolers and for parents to gain support, make friends and relax.
Our daytime group runs on Tuesday 1.00pm – 2.30pm. Also in Trinity Methodist Church as above.
All Home-Start families can attend this group, providing they only bring pre-school aged children, as the sessions are not safe or insured for older children to join us.
Please note: Any main carer can attend our groups with children on a regular or occasional basis. All our groups are closed groups and all people attending must be current Home-Start families.